1. Click Add Service in the Menu. Choose Variable Product. Fill out the following required fields:
a. Product Title b. Short Description (short sales pitch) c. Description (Full Description, Specifications, etc.)
For the Product Title, don’t use descriptive words like best, etc.. Use the exact name of your Service and Plan then add a dash and your Store name for example (Starter Web Hosting – Creative Web). Starter is the Plan, Web Hosting is the Service and Creative Web is the Store Name. This is needed for Google Indexing and to differentiate your service from the rest.
2. Set up Photo Gallery (required size: 1080 x 1080 pixels). Click the Big Thumbnail > Upload Files > Select Files. Fill out Alt Text and Title for Search Engine Optimization. Click the Small Thumbnail to upload more photo and follow the same procedure.
3. Set up the Category and Service Type. For the Category, click the Forward icon to show the Sub Category then check one Sub Category. Choose Graphic Design as Sub Category. If the right Category for your Service is not available, choose Others and we will Add a new Category and Sub Category.
Below image is the Description of the 3 Steps.
4. Set up the Attributes. Attributes contains the variables that will let you offer varying price for every configuration. Check the Logo Type and click the Arrow Down icon. Check Active?, for the Logo Type choose Select All, check both Visible on the product page and Use as Variation.
5. Set up the Variations. For the the Default Form Values, choose the variable with the lowest price (Monogram). To set up the price for all the Variations, start from the variable with the lowest up to the highest price or Alphabetically (like in Demo).
For the Dropdown, choose Abstract Mark and click the Down icon. Check Enable. Check Virtual to bypass the default Store Shipping setting. Virtual are services without shipping fee and can be sold in the entire Philippines. Input the Regular Price. If your Goods are Limited, check Manage Stock then Input Stock Quantity. You can offer Deals by using the Sale Price.
To set up more Variable, click the Plus icon and follow the same Procedure.
6. Set up Search Engine Optimization for better ranking in Google search engine. Fill out the Meta Description which is the short description or sales pitch (156 characters limit) of your service which will show during Google search.
7. Set up Shipping Information. Select the Shipping Mode, fill out the Store Location and other related fields. Leave the not applicable field blank.
8. Set up Product Policies (optional), check Override Policy Fields if different with your Store Policies.
9. Click the Submit button for Moderators review. If your Service comply with our Terms and Conditions, follow the posting procedure and have good content then it will be Approved immediately and will show in the Store. An email will be sent for Approved and Disapproved Services. If Approved test your Service but don’t Checkout.
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